Bradley County SCD
450 Stuart RD NE
Cleveland,TN 37312

(423) 472-5731 ext.3

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Client Gateway

USDA-NRCS has introduced a new and innovative tool to help landowners more efficiently manage their Conservation Plans and Contracts. The Conservation Client Gateway is available to request technical assistance, apply for financial assistance, review, sign, and submit applications and contracts, and track payments in a contract. Users can now do all of these things from the comfort of their own home, with no visit to the local USDA Service Center. If you’re interested in finding out more about Conservation Client Gateway and the many useful tools it has, contact the USDA Service Center in Cleveland, TN or the Polk County Soil Conservation District office in Benton, TN and ask to speak with Chase Hicks or Meaghan Maddux. There are also handouts available at both locations mentioned that tell more about Conservation Client Gateway.

EQIP Signup Dates for 2017

The Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) is currently taking applications for the Environmental Quality Incentives Program (EQIP), with the signup deadline for funding set for October 21, 2016. Applications in EQIP can include practices such as cross fencing, watering facilities, litter storage buildings for poultry farms, exclusion fencing from ponds and streams, and CNMPs. If interested in finding out more about what EQIP can offer you as a landowner in Bradley or Polk County, please contact the NRCS offices listed below.

Cleveland Service Center- 423-472-5731 ext 3

Polk County Soil Conservation District Office- 423- 338-4555


Becky Beaty

Becky Beaty joined the Bradley County District Staff in May of 2013 as Office Administrator/Technician.

Our District Board is made up of Farmers and Producers who are very dedicated to 

preserving and conserving all of our natural resources for future generations.





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